The miles feel so much longer
Than they did ten years ago
I’m sure that Global Warming
Has caused the Earth to grow
My body is not responding
My mind is screaming stop
The bits of heart still beating
Are surely going to pop
Ignore the pain and weakness
Continue with the run
I’m trying to raise money
In memory of my son
Another mile has drifted past
The Finish Line in sight
I’ll do this if it kills me
I summon all my might
I cross the line, I’ve finished
The hardest bit begins
Collecting all the money
Rattling all the tins
They ask me how I’m feeling
To have done it in his name
Am I feeling warm and fluffy
That others get to gain
I think about the question
Decide that they are mad
The only feeling that I have
Is I miss my little lad
So why on earth then do it
Endure all this pain
Well someone has to do it
And I did it in his name